T N T !?

Because why not?

Jealous on creepers blowing up? Well fear not. You can actually craft TNT blocks!

TNT can be used for mining or for messing with your friends houses. ( if you wish )

Example TNT Trap

For experienced players it can actually be used in combinations with redstone mechanisms to make traps or even cannons!

TNT can be activated by a fire source, an active redstone source or explosions… So watch out for creepers when using it.

Do not use TNT on blocks you need, 75% of the blocks get permanently destroyed.


Limits ?

Minecraft is only limited by a height limit. Depending on the version you can only go down a certain amount of blocks before reaching a bedrock wall. Bedrock is the only block in the game that can not be broken in any way.

Building limits? its your imagination!

You can do anything you wish, and build anything you want!

The creation above was made by a collective team of professional builders and took a very long time.


Mooshrooms !

Mooshroom is the only biome that will not be usually found next to others cause it is extremely rare and only generate as islands. ( It can in rare cases be connected by a side to another biome )

Mooshrooms biome have huge mushrooms as instead of trees. and Mycelium instead of grass.

The name Mooshroom biome comes from the silly animals that live there, The Mooshroom Cow :D. The cow has a special ability that will allow you to “milk” it for mushroom soup with a bowl in your hand.

The Mooshroom cows are in my opinion the best farm animal you could get.


Biomes are regions in a Minecraft world with varying geographical features, flora, heights, temperatures, humidity ratings, and sky and foliage colors. Biomes separate every generated world into different environments; examples of biomes include the forest, jungle, desert and ice plains.

Minecraft worlds are each generated randomly with a random amount of biomes.

Biomes can be:

  • Forests
  • Deserts
  • Jungles
  • Hills
  • Mountains
  • Savannas
  • Snowy
  • Mesas
  • Swamps
  • Taigas
  • Plateaus
  • Ice plains
  • Nether
  • End
  • Mooshrooms ( yes that is a biome )

Most of the biomes in the overworld can be united with each other at borders.

So you can have any type of biome next to each other. ( Excluding special cases like Mooshroom Nether and End biome )



Best part of Minecraft is when you finished learning the basics, is that after you can join other peoples servers ( or make your own ) and play with friends!

You can make a town with everyone or live in the same house or cave, or anything you want. Imagination is the limit!

As a warning, I would suggest finding a server with home/block protection.

Some people might destroy or steal what you worked for if not careful. 😀

You can find most Multiplayer servers HERE if you wanna look at one for your taste or with only people from your country.

First time try not to go on a over populated server. It may be too much to handle at first, especially if PVP ( player vs player ) is on.

You thought the Mobs were a challenge ? try fighting a group of “raiders” that have diamond gear with your wooden sword 😀

Here is some tips on Player Vs Player.

Have fun and good luck!



The End! ( not really )

The End is the second and last world you can travel to.

In the end you can find the first boss that was added to the game, The Ender Dragon.

The Ender Dragon can only be killed once all the beacons on each Obsidian tower is destroyed, if not it will just regenerate its health.

The End only has Endermen as mobs.

Endermen are not hostile to you unless you attack them or look in their eyes.

In the End you can NOT use a bed to sleep on, If you however try it… you will blow up.

Once in the End you can not leave unless you or the dragon dies. So do not go unprepared.

When the dragon dies a portal will spawn  on his death location so you can return to the Overworld.

Even after killing the dragon you can still play the game as normal even if you do get end credits. So don’t worry about loosing all your stuff.




Strongholds are the first step to the endgame.

Yes Minecraft has a endgame 😀

Strongholds are dungeons located underground but are really hard to find.

In the Stronghold there will always be a deactivated END PORTAL!

The easy way to find a Stronghold and the End portal would be by crafting and using Eye of Ender.

The End portal will require 12 Eyes of Ender in order to be activated.

Strongholds are the only place where Silverfish spawn. ( Silverfish are not Silver Fish and I don’t know why they are not even related to fish in any way since they have every quality of a aggressive big rat. )

Silverfish usually hide in stone blocks all around the Stronghold, so be careful to not get swarmed by them since they can appear from any block around you while inside there.

Warning: The end portal will always have a Silverfish spawner next to it. So try to break it as fast as you can.



Another nice asset to Minecraft is Brewing!

You can use The Brewing stand to actually make Potions!

You can use potions to give you buffs or health regeneration or negative buff, damage trowing potions to use against the enemy’s.

Brewing is one of the main reasons to go to the Nether.

To build a Brewing stand you will need a blaze rod from a Blaze.

And to make potions you need Nether Wart seeds that can be found in Nether Fortresses.

Witches is a rare mob that will use potions against you.




Yes you can give powers or Enchantments to your tools!

Anything from farming tools to weapons and armor can be enchanted.

How it works:

Mostly any action that you do that involves progress will give you XP ( Experience ).

XP will be earned by mining, killing ( friendly or hostile mobs ), farming, etc.

Than you can use the XP to enchant your gear!

For that you will need a Enchantment Table

Using Bookshelves will give your enchanting table more power and will make your enchantments stronger at the cost of more XP.